Solar Energy Systems

We Can Help You Get The Maximum Benefit From A New Solar Energy Installation

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Why Solar Energy Systems?

Solar Energy Systems, commonly referred to as Solar Panels, are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, be energy efficient, as well as a great way to save you money month after month.

Some Solar Energy Systems Features

Our energy saving roof systems, coupled with our energy producing solar systems offer both residential and commercial property owners the highest possible:

  • Energy savings
  • Tax savings, and
  • Asset appreciation

Further, our unique financing options enable property owners to start realizing savings with little to no out-of-pocket cost—all while retaining ownership of their system (and retaining their rights to the windfall that will ultimately come when their system is paid off).

To learn more, and find out what specific benefits might be available to you, please use this page to schedule a one-on-one consultation.

A Proven Track Record

Installing solar panels and getting a solar energy system is popular with many homeowners, but finding the right contractors in Southern California can be tricky, so make sure to choose McCormack Roofing. We are Solar Experts and will make sure to get the job done right.

Significantly Reduce Your Electricity Expense With Solar Energy

One of the biggest reasons to go solar is that you can potentially eliminate or significantly reduce your electric bill. The typical home that we service has an average monthly electric bill of $150 or more. Over 20 years, that same $150 monthly comes out to to $36,000 paid to your utility– before factoring in electricity rate increases, which happen almost every year! Installing a solar system puts you back in control and enables you to realize significant long-term savings.

Going solar can help to reduce your utility bills so dramatically that electricity costs are no longer a significant factor in your budget. Your long-term savings from solar depends on a few different factors, including (a) how much energy your system produces, (b) how much energy you consume, and (c) the rates being charged to you buy your electricity provider. Because your savings are equal to the costs you avoid, you’ll save even more if electricity rates are high in your area (or if you tend to use electricity during “peak periods” when charges are highest).

Reducing one of your largest monthly expenses is by itself a great incentive to go solar, but the benefits of a McCormack installation aren’t just economic.  You will also have the long-term peace of mind that your savings will continue for years to come based on the warrantee coverage that our manufacturers provide. 

Increase Value Of Your Home By Up To 4%

A variety of studies have shown that homes with solar panel systems are sold at prices well above similar homes without solar panel systems in their same area. Specifically, these studies have found that in established solar markets such as California, home values increase by four percent or more when homes are equipped with solar panels. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a research laboratory affiliated with the Department of Energy, continues to expand on that research as solar grows across the U.S.

The Lab’s 2015 “Selling Into the Sun” report analyzed sales of solar-equipped homes in eight different states over 11 years with the goal of determining just how much value solar adds to a home’s sale price. The ultimate finding: on average, homebuyers are “consistently willing to pay PV home premiums” of approximately $4 per watt of installed solar capacity (note: this study only covered homes where the solar PV system was owned, not leased). For a standard 6-kilowatt solar PV system, this means that solar can add $24,000 to your home’s resale value.  When a McCormack Energy Efficient Roof System is coupled with a solar system, added value can go even higher.

Protect Yourself From Utility Inflation

Much like death and taxes, a continued rise in utility rates is more or less a certainty.  Over the past decade, electricity prices have risen by an average of 3% each year (and in some areas by as much as 5% per year). By going solar, you no longer have to worry about outrageous price spikes.  Instead, solar enables you to make your monthly bills more predictable. So as your friends and neighbors are paying more and more for energy each year, and your cost remains fixed, your savings will actually grow year over year.

Achieve An Excellent Rate Of Return

In many ways, your solar energy system is an investment – one that is capable of generating annual returns ranging anywhere from 10% to more than 30%. The average McCormack customer can pay off their solar purchase in less than seven years—generating an impressive Return On Investment and thereafter receiving free electricity for the remainder of their solar system’s 25+ year lifespan.

You can calculate your annual returns by dividing the financial benefits you receive each year by your initial investment in your solar energy system. If you are trying to achieve the optimal ROI, you will likely want to size your system to knock out the most expensive portion of your power bill—but not necessarily all of your power bill. And you will want to install high quality panels backed by a reputable manufacturer, to assure that your solar panels continue to produce at a high capacity over time.