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Deciding To Get A New Roof? Here’s What You Should Consider

Deciding To Get A New Roof? Here’s What You Should Consider


If the roof over your head isn’t leaking, you probably don’t give it much thought. However, the minute there is a leak or a bald spot where shingles have blown off—you start to pay more attention. Replacing a roof can be overwhelming. Fortunately, with knowledge comes confidence. To make an informed decision about your Anaheim, CA roof replacement, here are the things to think about:


  1. Budget


First thing is first, you need to know how much you can afford to spend on a new roof. This is a large investment, there is no way around that. But it is important to have a price window to keep in mind while you shop around. The price can range from $1 per square foot to $45p per square foot. You need to calculate your budget if you are going to proceed.

  1. Climate


In Anaheim, CA we have a fairly mild climate. But storms can roll in and you want to have a roof that can handle the weather. Think about sun, wind, and rain exposure. Also, consider condensation and hot temperatures. Some roofing materials will just work better for the climate in the area.

  1. Ventilation


Without proper ventilation, heat and moisture will build up in your attic. This leads to several problems including rot. The rafters will break down, the shingles can buckle, and too soon you will find yourself in a heap of troubles. Make note of ventilation sources and make sure installers do not inadvertently block them when installing your new roof.

  1. Material


This is where things start to get tricky. You probably didn’t know about all the material choices when it comes to roofing. There is asphalt, wood, concrete, composite, fiberglass, metal and more. Certain materials are lighter and easier to install, while others are heavy, require additional framing, and have a longer lifespan. This is where you really start to weigh your options and decide what will work best for your home.

  1. Style


The material you decide on could drastically change the look of your home. And choosing the wrong roof could haunt you for years to come. Singles and tiles come in various shapes, sizes, styles, and colors. Much like a haircut, deciding on style comes down to what works best for you and your type of home. If you want help, you should consult with a roofing expert or a designer to help guide you through the styling options.

  1. Lifespan


You also want to consider how long you want the material to last. Some of the lower grade roofing materials like wood and asphalt last about 20 to 25 years before they need replacement. Mid-level materials, like fiberglass and composite, are sturdier and more durable. These will last about 30 years. And the top quality materials, like concrete and stone-coated metal, can last 50 years or more. These will cost more up front, but you will likely not have to replace your roof ever again.

  1. Maintenance


Lastly, you want to think about upkeep. Will you get a lot of build-up and debris in your gutters from overhanging trees? Will you be able to make smaller repairs by yourself? Just like adopting a dog, you want to make sure you can take care of the roof you choose.

Want help making such a big decision? Consult our professionals at McCormack Roofing. We are a full-service roofing company and can put our 50 years of combined experience to good use for you. Call today at (714) 777-4040 or visit our business at 1260 N. Hancock St., #108, Anaheim, CA 92807.


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